صناعة الزجاج

مقدمة لفرن الزجاج

فرن الزجاج هو نوع من المعدات المستخدمة خصيصًا لتصنيع الزجاج. وعادة ما يتكون من جسم الفرن, الموقد, نظام التحكم في درجة الحرارة, جهاز النقل ومخرج المنتج الزجاجي. يشتمل الجزء الداخلي لجسم الفرن أيضًا على الطبقة العازلة, غرفة الاحتراق, تجمع زجاجي وأجزاء أخرى. تعتبر المواد المقاومة للحرارة مكونًا مهمًا في فرن صهر الزجاج. أنها تلعب دورا حاسما في جودة الزجاج, استهلاك الطاقة وتكلفة المنتج.

تصنيف أفران الزجاج

  • ال tempered glass furnace is a furnace that heats ordinary flat glass or laminated glass at a certain temperature, ومن ثم يستخدم التبريد القسري لجلب السطح الزجاجي إلى حالة من الضغط الانضغاطي. يتميز الزجاج المعالج بواسطة فرن الزجاج المقسى بخصائص قوة الضغط العالية والجزيئات الصغيرة بعد الكسر. لديها سلامة عالية ومجموعة واسعة من التطبيقات. يتميز فرن الزجاج المقسى بالتحكم الدقيق في درجة الحرارة وكفاءة الإنتاج العالية.
  • A float glass furnace is a piece of equipment used to produce flat glass. يتم تسخين المادة الخام الزجاجية إلى حالة طرية, تطفو على حمام من الصفيح ثم تبرد لتتشكل. يجب أن تتم عملية إنتاج الزجاج المصقول عند درجة حرارة عالية وتتميز بخصائص كفاءة الإنتاج العالية, سرعة الإنتاج السريعة وجودة المنتج الزجاجي الموحدة.

Glass kiln structure composition

The main components of the glass kiln include heat storage chamber, checker brick, air and fire partition wall, الطوب العازل, إلخ. The heat storage chamber is a periodic heat exchange equipment, which belongs to the periodic unstable temperature field, and the heat transfer process is unsteady heat transfer. Checker brick is the core component of the heat storage chamber, responsible for storing and releasing heat. The air and fire partition wall is the partition wall between the air heat storage chamber and the gas heat storage chamber. Because the upper temperature is very high and there is flying material erosion, it is easy to have fire penetration after burning, so its thickness is generally large and requires strict masonry. Insulation bricks are used to reduce the heat loss of the outer wall of the heat storage chamber.

Working principle of glass kiln

The working principle of the glass kiln mainly includes heat transfer, momentum transfer and mass transfer. Heat transfer includes flame space heat exchange caused by temperature difference in the flame space and in the glass liquid, heat exchange in the glass liquid, heat exchange in the heat storage chamber, and heat exchange between the kiln wall and the external environment. Momentum transfer is caused by pressure difference, and mass transfer involves chemical reactions and composition changes in the glass liquid.

Common Faults and Solutions of Glass Kiln

1. No discharge from the furnace head
The furnace temperature is too low
The temperature at the kiln throat outlet is low
Too much slag causes blockage
Increase fuel supply and increase furnace temperature
Adjust combustion time and space, improve air guide conditions, and increase kiln throat outlet temperature
Clean up slag, adjust raw material ratio, and reduce slag generation
2. Kiln damage
Chemical erosion: The glass liquid is rich in silica, which has serious chemical erosion on the kiln lining material
Mechanical scouring: Strong scouring of glass liquid flow and materials
High temperature effect: The working temperature of the kiln pool is as high as 1600 degrees, and the temperature of each part fluctuates greatly
Select refractory materials that can resist erosion, such as AL2O3ZrO2-SiO2 series of fused bricks
Select high-strength and scouring-resistant refractory materials
Materials that are resistant to high-temperature erosion and do not pollute the glass liquid
3. Problems with SCR denitrification process in kilns
Degradation of catalyst performance
Ammonia supply problems
Difficulty in equipment maintenance
Wastewater treatment problems
Regularly replace catalysts, optimize operating conditions, and use special cleaning agents
Improve ammonia storage and transportation systems, and develop new ammonia sources
Use more durable materials and designs, and provide professional maintenance training
Use advanced wastewater treatment technologies such as reverse osmosis or evaporation
4. Other common kiln failures
Causes and solutions

Fault phenomenonCauseحل
Large temperature indication errorThermocouple is blocked or burned by materialClean up the accumulated material or replace the thermocouple
Pressure indication is lowThe pressure measuring tube is blocked by dust or the cyclone is filled with material.Use compressed air to blow out the pressure gauge or cyclone cone
Running raw materialThe temperature at the kiln tail drops too much, the coal feeding amount is too little, إلخ.Reduce feed, reduce kiln speed, add coal appropriately

What alarm should be set for the glass furnace air cooling protection system

  1. Temperature alarm device: During the production process of glass kilns, the temperature may be too high due to the influence of the environment. In order to avoid damage to equipment and production safety problems caused by excessive kiln temperature, a temperature alarm device should be set. Once the kiln temperature exceeds the set value, an alarm can be issued in time.
  2. Air flow monitor: During the production process, glass kilns pay great attention to the control and regulation of air flow. If the air flow is insufficient, the glass raw materials are not fully melted. A high amount of air is required to keep the glass kiln running for a long time. The air flow monitor can monitor and control the air volume. Once there is a problem with the air flow, an alarm will be issued.
  3. Oxygen detector: During the glass production process, gas combustion in the kiln requires a certain amount of oxygen. If the oxygen is insufficient, it will lead to problems such as reduced glass production and reduced quality. لذلك, an oxygen detector should be installed to monitor the oxygen concentration in real time and issue an alarm in time.

منتجات تطبيق فرن الزجاج