
Mullite Powder

  • A colorless crystal with stable chemical properties.
  • Good insulating properties
  • High chemical stability


What is Mullite Powder?

Mullite powder is a white crystalline powder. It is easy to absorb moisture but not deliquescent. Melting point 2050℃; boiling point 2980℃; relative density 3.965. It has high hardness, Mohs hardness 8.8. It is an electrical insulator, with a volume resistivity of (1.2×1013Q.cm) at 300℃.

It is almost insoluble in water and non-polar organic solvents such as ethanol and ether. It has low solubility in weak acids or weak bases. It is soluble in concentrated sulfuric acid and slowly dissolves in alkali solution to form hydroxide.

From Wikipedia: موليت

Mullite related refractory products

mullite powder price in China

mullite powder price in China

التركيب الكيميائي

Chemical formulaMass percentage(%)
SiO₂50.0 – 65.0
آل₂O₃30.0 – 40.0
Fe₂O₃< 5.0
CaO< 2.0
Na₂O< 1.0
أهداب الشوق< 2.0

الخصائص الفيزيائية

الخصائص الفيزيائيةNumeric
density2.65 g/cm³
Specific surface area10-20 m²/g
granularity100-200 μm
Melting point1850 درجه مئوية
صلابة6.5-7(Mohs hardness)
الموصلية الحرارية0.2-0.3 W/(م·ك)
Water absorption<1%

Mullite powder preparation method

Heat aluminum hydroxide to dehydrate it to produce aluminum oxide. Alternatively, use aluminum chloride vapor and oxygen or water vapor to react at above 1000℃ to obtain micro-particle aluminum oxide. It is also possible to use aluminum sulfate, aluminum nitrate and other salts to directly thermally decompose at 1200-1300℃ to obtain aluminum oxide.

There are mainly two types of aluminum oxide powder and hydrated aluminum oxide.

1. The preparation of aluminum oxide powder can be achieved by precipitation, thermal decomposition, calcination and other methods of aluminum oxide sol.
2. Hydrated aluminum oxide can be prepared by precipitation or hydrothermal method.

mullite powder suppliers in China

mullite powder suppliers in China

Precautions for using mullite powder

  1. Alumina powder may irritate the respiratory tract and eyes. Protective equipment should be worn when using it to avoid inhalation of dust and contact with eyes.
  2. Alumina may undergo thermal decomposition under high temperature conditions and release harmful gases. Pay attention to ventilation conditions.
  3. When storing and using alumina, avoid contact with organic matter, combustible substances and strong acids to prevent fire or explosion.

Application of Mullite Powder in Precision Manufacturing

  • Preparation of ceramics and glass: Alumina is an important raw material for ceramic and glass products, such as ceramic products, tiles, المواد الكاشطة, glass fibers, إلخ.
  • Abrasives and polishing agents: The high hardness of alumina makes it an excellent abrasive and polishing agent for metal processing, glass processing, and stone processing, إلخ.
  • Catalyst: Alumina can be used as a catalyst carrier and plays an important catalytic role in chemical reactions.


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