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what is Ceramic crucibles?

Ceramic crucibles are indispensable tools for high-temperature melting and incineration and are widely used in the field of metal processing. They are made of chemically inert glazed ceramic materials and can withstand extremely high temperatures without deterioration or contamination of molten metal.

Depending on the raw materials, ceramic crucibles can be divided into various types such as quartz, Korund, boron nitride and zirconium oxide, and are designed to meet specific temperature and pressure requirements. Due to their low carbon content and high dimensional tolerance, ceramic crucibles are particularly suitable for high-precision analysis, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of measurements.

In short, ceramic crucibles are an ideal choice for laboratory and industrial applications due to their excellent high-temperature resistance and chemical stability.

Ceramic Crucible near me

Ceramic Crucible near me

Temperature range of different types of ceramic crucibles

TypeTemperature range(℃)
Alumina silicate crucible1000 – 1600
Calcium silicate crucible800 – 1400
Alumina Crucible1300 – 1700
Zirconia Crucible1500 – 2400

What is the production process of ceramic crucibles?

The production process of ceramic crucibles can be divided into several key steps.

  1. Select high-quality ceramic materials, usually kaolin and other additives.
  2. Mixing and grinding to ensure uniform raw materials.
  3. The mixture is molded by pressing or injection molding to form the basic shape of the crucible. After molding, the crucible needs to be dried to remove moisture.
  4. The dried crucible is placed in a kiln for high-temperature sintering to enhance its mechanical strength and heat resistance. After
  5. cooling and quality inspection, qualified ceramic crucibles can be packaged and shipped for users.

What is the HS code for ceramic crucibles?

The HS code for ceramic crucibles is 6903, which mainly covers other ceramic utensils, including crucibles for chemical or industrial purposes.

Ceramic Crucible with Lid VS Other Crucibles

MerkmaleCeramic crucible with lidMetal CrucibleQuartz Crucible
Temperature resistancehighmediumhigh
Use occasionsLaboratory, high temperature meltingWidely applicableMainly used for high temperature experiments

Ceramic crucibles near me

Henan Lite Refractory Co., Ltd. provides you with high-quality, low-priced crucibles. Buy crucible-related products from us to ensure that you have a good purchasing channel.

Henan lite Saudi Arabia exhibition reality map

Henan lite Saudi Arabia exhibition reality map


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Feuerfest-Industriepark Liguo Village, Xinmi-Stadt, Stadt Zhengzhou, Provinz Henan,China