
Corundum Ziegel

  • High temperature resistance
  • Hohe Festigkeit
  • Strong slag resistance and corrosion resistance


Corundum Brick Description

Corundum brick is a refractory material with alumina (Al2O3) as the main component, with a content of more than 90%. Due to its high melting point, high hardness and high strength, it is widely used in high-temperature kiln linings and kiln furniture.


(1)High temperature resistance

(2)High strength,high compression resistance

(3)Excellent thermal shock resistance

(4)High bulk density, good thermal conductivity

(5)Good wear resistance and acid

(6)alkali corrosion resistance

Corundum Ziegel

Corundum Ziegel

Regular size

  • 230*114*65
  • 250*123*65
  • 171*113*65
  • 230*65/55*114
  • 230*114*65/55
  • 230*114*65/45
  • 230*114*20
  • 230*57*65
  • 230*150*75
  • 230*150/120*75

Customizable to any shape

Shape customization

Shape customization

Technical parameter

ArtikelCorundum Ziegel 99Corundum Ziegel


corundum mullite brick
Al2O3 %≥99≥90≥80
SiO2 %≤0.2≤8≤ 18
Fe2o3 %≤0.2≤0.2≤ 0,3
Schüttdichte g/cm3≥3.2≥3≥2,8
Apparent porosity %≤19≤ 18≤ 18
Cold compressive

strength MPa

≥ 100≥ 100≥ 100

softening began to temperature °C


Aus Wikipedia:Feuerfest

Production process

Sintering method: Use sintered alumina and phosphoric acid or other binders to make unburned corundum bricks.
Electrofusion method: High-purity alumina raw materials are melted and cast at a high temperature of more than 2000°C.

Henan LiTe Corundum Bricks Production Line

Production scale: 5 40 cubic shuttle kilns, 5 presses, automatic batching system, daily output of 80 Tonnen, annual output of 20,000 Tonnen

Production process: raw materialscrushing (0-1mm, 1-3mm, 3-5mm) – mixingmolding – Trocknen (200℃) – sintering (1600℃-1700℃) – packaging

Corundum Brick Production Line

Production Line

Application fields of corundum bricks

1. In the steel industry;

2. In the non-ferrous smelting industry, the wear resistance and corrosion resistance of corundum bricks are significantly better than other bricks;

3. In the carbon black industry, on the carbon black reactor

4. In the petrochemical industry, in the gasification furnace of large and medium-sized fertilizer plants


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Nr. 92 Jianshe West Road, Bezirk Zhongyuan, Zhengzhou, Henan,China.


Feuerfest-Industriepark Liguo Village, Xinmi-Stadt, Stadt Zhengzhou, Provinz Henan,China