
Dünner Feuerstein

  • Thermoschockbeständigkeit
  • Strength
  • Adaptability
  • Durability


what is Thin fire brick

Thin fire brick is a high temperature material, mainly used for heat insulation and refractory in high temperature environments such as furnace walls and kilns. It is usually made of refractory raw materials and additives through high temperature sintering. It is thin, usually about 10 mm, and has excellent refractory, thermal stability and thermal conductivity. Thin fire bricks can effectively reduce heat loss and improve energy efficiency. They are widely used in high temperature equipment in metallurgy, Keramik, Glas und andere Branchen. Its light weight and high strength make it more and more valued in modern industry.

Physical and chemical indicators of thin fire brick

Indicator namedefinitionunitGeneral Requirements
Loss on ignitionThe percentage of refractory weight loss at a certain temperature%Should not exceed 5%
Bulk densityThe ratio of the volume to weight of a refractory material at a certain temperatureg/cm³2.0-2.7 g/cm³
Scheinbare PorositätVisible porosity on the inner surface of refractory materials%Below 24%
Flexural strengthThe resistance of refractory materials to fracture under a certain loadMPA10-40 MPA
Linear expansion coefficientThe rate of change of the linear expansion coefficient of refractory materials during thermal expansion and contraction10^-6/℃4.0×10^-6/℃ or less

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Advantages of thin firebrick

  • Thermoschockbeständigkeit: able to withstand rapid temperature changes without being damaged
  • Strength: when the temperature changes rapidly, the strength should remain good
  • Adaptability: suitable for high-temperature building materials and structural materials for various kilns and thermal equipment
  • Durability: able to withstand various physical and chemical changes and mechanical effects at high temperatures

thin fire brick for sale

thin fire brick for sale

How thick do fire bricks need to be?

The thickness of fire bricks usually depends on the specific application and usage environment. Allgemein gesprochen, the thickness of standard refractory bricks is mostly between 23 mm (about 1 inch) Und 76 mm (about 3 inches). Here are some uses of different thicknesses:

  • 20-25 mm: Suitable for lighter load applications of some high-temperature furnace walls.
  • 30-50 mm: Suitable for most high-temperature furnaces and kilns, providing good insulation effect.
  • Above 50 mm: Suitable for industrial furnaces that withstand high thermal shock and heavy loads, such as smelting furnaces or petrochemical equipment.

Main uses of thin fire brick

  • Industrial furnaces: such as iron-making furnaces, steel-making furnaces, coke ovens, usw.
  • Heat treatment furnaces: used in the heat treatment process of metals.
  • Kiln -Auskleidung: including glass melting furnaces, Zementöfen, usw.

thin fire brick where to buy

Where to buy thin refractory bricks? Henan Lite Refractory Materials heißt Sie herzlich willkommen. We produce refractory bricks of different sizes and specifications. Welcome to consult us.



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Nr. 92 Jianshe West Road, Bezirk Zhongyuan, Zhengzhou, Henan,China.


Feuerfest-Industriepark Liguo Village, Xinmi-Stadt, Stadt Zhengzhou, Provinz Henan,China