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Классификация необработанных огнеупоров
Каковы классификации необработанных огнеупоров?
Масса растяжения для печи высокой температуры
Как используется катарь в высокотемпературных печи?
Спецификации и приложения SK34 против SK32
Спецификации и приложения SK34 против SK32
прокладка белого керамического волокна
Керамическая прокладка волокна: Использование, Преимущества, и где купить

Российская выставка завершилась.: достижения и перспективы

я. Познакомьтесь с Henan Lit Refractory Co., ООО. провел большую тщательную подготовку к этой российской выставке. Выбор продукта: Тщательно выбирайте наиболее конкурентоспособную серию продукции.. Эта продукция должна не только удовлетворять потребности российского рынка., но и выделиться среди многих конкурентов. Дизайн стенда: A lot of energy and money have […]

Приглашение на выставку металлообработки и металлургии Саудовской Аравии 2024

Сентябрь 26, 2024 – Компания Henan Lite Refractory Materials Co., Ltd., ведущий производитель высококачественных огнеупорных изделий, рада объявить о своем участии в 11-й выставке металлургии Саудовской Аравии, Сталь, и обработка металлов давлением, Производство, Резка, и сварочная выставка. Мероприятие пройдет с октября 13-16, 2024, в Международном выставочном центре Эр-Рияда. Хенан Лит […]

Henan Lite Refractory Materials Makes Waves at Jakarta Exhibition

Jakarta, Сентябрь 13, 2024 – Компания Henan Lite Refractory Materials Co., ООО. is making waves at the International Metallurgy and Steel Trade Exhibition currently taking place in Jakarta. The company’s booth has become a popular destination for attendees looking to explore advanced refractory solutions that can enhance productivity and efficiency in various industrial settings. With a […]

Preview of Exhibits at the 2024 Indonesia International Metallurgy, Foundry, Metals & Steel Trade Exhibition

Henan Lite Refractories Showcases Cutting-Edge Solutions at the 2024 Indonesia International Metallurgy, Foundry, Metals & Steel Trade ExhibitionJakarta, Indonesia – [Сентябрь 11-14,, 2024] Henan Lite Refractories, a renowned provider of refractory materials, will be showcasing its latest innovations at the upcoming 2024 Indonesia International Metallurgy, Foundry, Metals & Steel Trade Exhibition. The event, scheduled for […]

Июньская акция: Разместить заказ $2,000 и получите ценный подарок!

We’re excited to announce our latest June promotion for our valued customers. For a limited time only, when you place an order with us worth over $2,000, you’ll not only get access to our top-notch products but also receive a stunning set of Chinese-style screens worth $500 as a gift from us. This offer is […]

Lite Refractories’ trip to Vietnam to jointly chart the development of green manufacturing

Facing the challenge of global climate change, Henan Lite Refractory Materials Company responded to the call for green manufacturing with practical actions and brought the concept of green development into the Vietnamese market. During this trip, the company’s senior management will introduce in detail its innovative practices in the research and development of environmentally friendly […]

Introduction to anchor bricks

Anchor bricks, also known as hanging bricks, are made of high-quality raw materials, machine-pressed or poured, and then sintered at high temperatures. Anchor bricks play an important role when building straight walls, which can improve the integrity of the wall. The alumina content of anchor bricks is more than 55%, and the alumina content of […]

Introduction and classification of calcium silicate boards

Introduce Calcium silicate board is made of loose short fibers such as inorganic mineral fibers or cellulose fibers as reinforcing materials, and siliceous-calcium materials as the main cementing material. It is pulped, molded, and accelerated in high-temperature and high-pressure saturated steam to form a Plate made of calcium silicate gel. It is a new type […]

Product characteristics and application areas of silicon carbide rods

High operating temperature, высокая термостойкость, oxidation resistance, коррозионная стойкость, long life, small deformation, many models, easy installation, simple maintenance, и т. д.. Now it is widely used in high-temperature fields such as electronics, магнитные материалы, powder metallurgy, керамика, стекло, semiconductors, analysis and testing, scientific research, и т. д., and has become a tunnel kiln, роликовая печь, стекольная печь, […]