
70 высокоглиноземистый кирпич

  • The refractoriness is usually around 1750°C, and it can withstand high temperature environments.
  • It effectively resists the erosion of high-temperature slag and prolongs the service life of the furnace.
  • It has a low thermal expansion coefficient, which reduces cracks and damage caused by thermal stress.
  • It has a high density and good wear resistance, and can be used for a long time at high temperatures without being easily worn.


How about 70 высокоглиноземистый кирпич

70 high alumina brick is a refractory material widely used in high-temperature industrial furnaces, with an alumina (Al₂O₃) content of about 70%. It has excellent refractoriness, wear resistance and slag resistance, and is suitable for environments that need to withstand harsh conditions at high temperatures, например, доменные печи, горячие доменные печи, стекольные печи, и т. д.. Due to its high aluminum content, high alumina 70 bricks are not only resistant to high temperatures, but also have good thermal shock stability, and can effectively resist the stress caused by rapid temperature changes.

В то же время, высокоглиноземистые кирпичи 70% have a high density and strong compressive strength, making them suitable as the main structural material of the furnace body. Its production process includes steps such as raw material selection, формование, and sintering to ensure the quality and performance of the product.

Из Википедии: Огнеупорный кирпич

70 high alumina brick physical and chemical indicators

Physical and chemical indicatorsЧисловое
Содержание Al2O3≥70%
Содержание Fe2O3≤2.5%
Объемная плотность2.60G/CM³
Softening temperature under load1470-1490℃
Normal temperature compressive strength70МПа
Apparent porosity22%
Line change rate-0.3%

Features of high alumina brick 70%

  • Рефрактерный: High alumina brick products are high-grade products among aluminum silicate refractory products. Its refractoriness increases with the increase of AI203 content, and is generally not less than 1750-1790°C
  • Load softening temperature: The load softening temperature of high alumina brick products decreases with the increase of silicon dioxide and alkali metal oxide content, but is higher than clay brick products, about 1420-1530°C
  • Устойчивость к шлаку: Since aluminum oxide in высокоглиноземистый кирпич products is neutral and has a high content, such materials have strong resistance to the erosion of acidic and alkaline slag Energy
  • Термическая устойчивость к ударам: In high-alumina brick products, there are two crystals, corundum and mullite, coexisting. Because the thermal expansion coefficient of corundum is larger than that of mullite, when the temperature of the refractory brick changes, the expansion difference causes stress concentration
  • Теплопроводность: A major feature of high-alumina bricks is that they have excellent thermal conductivity, mainly because they contain more materials with good thermal conductivity, such as mullite and corundum crystals
  • Стабильность: High-alumina bricks are very stable. They contain a large amount of mullite, so the products made have a very perfect particle structure and improve the stability of high-alumina bricks

70 high alumina brick bulk price

70 high alumina brick bulk price

Comparison between high alumina bricks and clay bricks

характеристикаHigh alumina brickГлиняный кирпич
МатериалThe main component is Al2O3, the content is usually above 48%Al2O3 content is 30%-40%, mainly composed of kaolinite
ПроизводительностьВысокая огнеупорность, can reach above 1770℃; хорошая стойкость к шлаку; high thermal stabilityThe refractoriness is comparable to that of silica bricks, up to 1690-1730℃; the load softening temperature is more than 200℃ lower than that of silica bricks
ПриложениеWidely used in the lining of high-temperature industrial furnaces in the steel, цемент, стекольная и другие отрасли промышленности, например, доменные печи, горячие доменные печи, печи для плавки алюминия, и т. д..Applicable to blast furnaces, горячие доменные печи, и т. д..

70 High Alumina Brick Specifications and Sizes

For 70 высокоглиноземистые кирпичи, the specific specifications and sizes may vary. Например, the specifications and sizes of T-38 high alumina bricks (alumina content above 48%) are 230×114×65/55mm. Although this is not the specific size of 70% высокоглиноземистые кирпичи, it shows that the specifications of high alumina bricks can be adjusted according to different alumina contents and uses.

Production and Customization

High alumina bricks can be customized according to different parts and performances of the furnace, or special-shaped high alumina bricks can be made according to drawings. This means that if you need a specific size of 70 высокоглиноземистые кирпичи, you can contact the manufacturer of Henan Lite for customization.

70 high alumina brick bulk price

70 high alumina brick sale cost

How to best use 70% высокоглиноземистые кирпичи

In high-temperature kilns such as aluminum melting furnaces, горячие доменные печи, and blast furnaces, 70 high alumina bricks can be used as lining materials.
When used in the furnace lining of a garbage incinerator, it can withstand the scouring and thermal shock of flames and maintain the stability of the furnace structure. In the high-temperature areas of the incinerator, such as the combustion section, it effectively resists the high temperature and chemical erosion generated by garbage combustion, reducing the damage and erosion rate of the furnace lining.
It is also widely used as open-hearth heat storage checker bricks, plugs for pouring systems, and nozzle bricks.

High alumina bricks for high temperature kilns 70%

High alumina bricks for high temperature kilns 70%

70 high alumina bricks for waste incinerator

70 high alumina bricks for waste incinerator

Меры предосторожности

1 – Dimension control
Например, when 70 high alumina bricks are used in tunnel kiln cars, if the aluminum content is more than 70%, the brick size must be negative. Because during the production process, as the temperature changes, the high alumina brick will increase in size; if the brick size is positive, the size will increase during the construction of the kiln car bricks, and the kiln wall will also appear during the production process. And if the joint material is loose after a long time of use, it will also cause the brick to hit the kiln wall.

2 – Joint treatment
During the masonry process, the quality of the joints must be ensured. If the mortar joint adjustment method is used, the mortar joints must be uniform, otherwise it may affect the stability and sealing of the overall structure, thereby affecting the use effect of 70 high-aluminum bricks. Например, in the masonry of some special structures, such as the use of combined high-aluminum bricks at the fork, each part has only one brick, and it needs to be cut and polished. If the mortar joints are not well controlled, it will affect the stability of the overall structure.


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