
Chrome Corundum Brick

  • Высокая термостойкость
  • Износостойкость
  • Коррозионная стойкость
  • Термическая устойчивость к ударам


Meaning chrome corundum brick

Chrome corundum brick is a refractory material made of alumina and chromium as the main raw materials, through high-temperature melting, casting, sintering and other processes.

Its main mineral composition is α-Al2O3-Cr2O3 solid solution, the secondary mineral composition is a small amount of composite spinel (or no composite spinel), and the chromium oxide content is 1% к 30%.

This material not only has excellent high temperature resistance, but also has the characteristics of wear resistance, heat shock resistance and acid and alkali corrosion resistance.

Корундовый кирпич

buy chrome corundum brick

buy chrome corundum brick

Physical properties of chrome corundum brick

Физические свойстваописывать
огнеупорностьOver 1750℃
Softening temperature under loadOver 1750℃
Normal temperature compressive strengthHigh performance chrome corundum bricks are generally 150MPa, high purity corundum bricks are generally 70-100MPa
Термическая устойчивость к ударамAs the Cr2O3 content increases, it decreases. The thermal shock resistance of chrome corundum bricks with low Cr2O3 content is better.
Slag erosion resistanceStronger than other oxide materials, especially in refractory materials containing Cr2O3

Из Википедии: Огнеупорный кирпич

Chrome corundum brick production process

Chrome corundum brick products are made of corundum and fused chromium oxide as the main raw materials, with additives such as micropowder, after mixing, формование, сушка, and high-temperature firing in a shuttle kiln. This process ensures the wear resistance, heat shock resistance and acid and alkali corrosion resistance of the product.

Performance characteristics of chrome corundum bricks

  1. Высокая термостойкость: able to withstand the working environment of high temperature furnace lining.
  2. Износостойкость: still maintain good mechanical properties at high temperatures.
  3. Коррозионная стойкость: especially tolerance to acid and alkali environments.
  4. Термическая устойчивость к ударам: Хорошее сопротивление теплового шока, suitable for use under thermal shock conditions.

chrome corundum brick for sale

chrome corundum brick for sale

chrome corundum vs aluminum oxide

featureChrome corundumAlumina
ОпределениеAlumina containing chromium ions (Cr³⁺), red or pink, often used as gemstone materialCommonly known as alumina, there are two main variants, α and γ, which are the basic raw materials for the preparation of metallic aluminum
Main ingredientsα-aluminaAl₂O₃
ЦветBright red or pinkDepending on impurities, generally gray
СтруктураHexagonal closest packing structureα type: hexagonal close packing; γ type: cubic face-centered close packing
ПриложенияGemstone making, high-end refractory materialsMaking metallic aluminum, огнеупорные материалы, abrasive materials, integrated circuit board substrates

Application areas of chrome corundum brick

  • Coal chemical industry: used in key parts of chemical industry kilns.
  • Fiberglass kiln: especially in alkali-free fiberglass kiln.
  • Garbage incinerator: as an important component, improve combustion efficiency.
  • Carbon black furnace: lining material, enhance the wear resistance and corrosion resistance of the furnace body.
  • Copper smelting furnace: lining material, extend the service life of the furnace body.
  • Steel rolling heating furnace: used in slideway and steel-out platform to improve production safety.


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№ 92 Цзяньше Вест Роуд, Чжунюаньский район, Чжэнчжоу, Хэнань,Китай.

Адрес завода

Промышленный парк огнеупорных материалов Liguo Village, Синьми город, Чжэнчжоу город, Провинция Хэнань,Китай