
Глиняный изоляционный кирпич

  • Good heat resistance and high temperature resistance.
  • The thermal expansion is small and the peeling resistance is good.
  • Good corrosion resistance.
  • Good sintering resistance.


What is Clay insulation brick like?

The Al2O3 content of light clay insulation brick is 30% к 46%. It is a lightweight refractory product, which is mainly composed of clay or light clinker. Usually it can be made into combustible by chemical or foam method, and finally form a multi-hollow structure. The bulk density of commonly used lightweight clay blocks is 0.75~1.20g/cm3, the compressive strength is 2.0~5.9Mpa, and the thermal conductivity is 0.221~0.442W/m.k (1350°С).

Другие изоляционные кирпичи

Fire Clay Insulating Brick Technical Data

Al2O3 (%)38–4038–4038–40
Bulk Density (G / CM3)
Apparent Porosity %706055
Cold Crushing Strength(МПа) ≥
Max Service Temperature (°С)120012801300

Из Википедии: Lightweight bricks (also called lightweight blocks)

Common specifications and dimensions of clay insulation blocks

  • Standard size: 230mm×114mm×65mm
  • Special size: no more than 2 concave corners, size ratio Max:Min6:1 or one acute angle of 50~70°
  • Specific size: size ratio Max:Min8:1 или не более 4 concave corners; or one acute angle of 30~50°
  • Other common sizes: 240mm×115mm×90mm
    Длина: 290, 240, 190мм
    Ширина: 240, 190, 180, 175, 140, 115мм
    Height: 90мм

Глиняный изоляционный кирпич

Глиняный изоляционный кирпич

How many degrees can a clay insulation brick with a unit weight of 1.7kg withstand?

General refractory temperature of Lightweight clay brick

Lightweight insulated clay bricks: refractory temperature is usually between 1580 and 1770℃.
Ordinary clay refractory bricks: refractory temperature is generally below 1200 степени.

Specific example

The light clay refractory insulation bricks provided by Henan Lit Refractory Materials Co., ООО. have a refractory temperature of up to 1550℃.
В итоге, the refractory temperature of clay insulation blocks is generally between 1580 and 1770℃, but the refractory temperature of specific products may vary. For clay insulation bricks with a unit weight of 1.7kg, the refractory temperature should be close to the value within the above range.

Lightweight clay bricks packaging and delivery

Lightweight clay bricks packaging and delivery

Clay insulation bricks and clay bricks

характеристикаГлиняный изоляционный кирпичClay Brick
Main ApplicationMainly used for the insulation layer of kilns, playing the role of lightweight heat insulationGenerally used in high temperature industries, such as steel, цемент, углерод, стекло, ceramics and other industries, доменные печи, горячие доменные печи, rotary kilns, стекольные печи, и т. д., as refractory materials for furnace walls and furnace linings
Thermal propertiesHas good thermal insulation and heat preservation performanceResistant to rapid cooling and heating, high refractoriness
weightЛегкийHigh density
Manufacturing processUsing clay clinker or light clay and plastic clay as the main raw materials, it is produced by combustible method, and the firing temperature is 1250-1350℃The main raw material is bauxite, which has a high firing temperature, so it has high refractoriness and high density.
Application ScenarioWidely used in iron and steel making, химическая промышленность, cement and other industries, suitable for bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, exterior walls, и т. д..Used for common basic buildings, such as houses, civil engineering, и т. д..

What is the role of iron oxide in fire clay insulation brick?

In the production process of clay insulation bricks, iron oxide mainly comes from refractory raw materials, such as high-alumina bonded clay. This clay contains a certain amount of iron oxide, which helps to improve the strength and other physical properties of the brick. Specifically, the role of iron oxide in fire clay insulation brick includes:

  • Enhancing the strength of bricks: Iron oxide particles play a reinforcing role in the brick blank, which can greatly improve the compressive strength of bricks.
  • Affecting the color of bricks: В процессе выпечки, the content of iron oxide and the baking atmosphere will affect the color of bricks. Например, when baked in an oxidizing atmosphere, the brick will appear red; while when baked in a reducing atmosphere, the brick may appear dark brown, black, purple or yellow, и т. д..
  • Improving the water absorption of bricks: The right amount of iron oxide particles can improve the water absorption of clay bricks, making them more suitable for certain specific application scenarios.


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