
Высокоглиноземистый изоляционный кирпич

  • Excellent strength at ambient and elevated temperatures.
  • High compressive strength.
  • Very low levels of iron and other impurities.
  • Lightweight and energy-efficient.
  • Lower heat storage than denser refractory.
  • Heats quickly and economically to operating temperature.


High alumina insulation brick Description

High alumina insulation brick is made by clay clinker or light clinker and plastic clay as the main raw material, usually fuel production, but also can send or chemical foaming method porous structure. Common light chamotte bulk density of 0.75 ~ 1.2g / cm3. It refers to containing AL2O3 more than 48% of lightweight refractory products, mainly for industrial kilns does not melt and no erosion of the contact action of gas insulation layer material, the using temperature is 1200 ~ 1400 ° C.

Другие изоляционные кирпичи

Высокоглиноземистый изоляционный кирпич

Высокоглиноземистый изоляционный кирпич

High alumina insulating brick Specification:

Bulk Density(G / CM3)≤0,6≤0.7≤0,8≤0.9≤1.0≤1.2
Cold Crushing Strength Mpa≥2.0≥2.5≥2.9≥3.4≥3.9≥5.0
Теплопроводность (350°С)W/m.K≤0.30≤0.35≤0.35≤0.45≤0.50≤0.55
Reheating Linear Change less than 2.0% °С135013501400140014001400

What are the models of high-alumina insulation bricks?

  • High-alumina polylight insulation bricks: also known as high-alumina polylight ball bricks, are made of special-grade high-alumina materials as the main raw materials, supplemented by appropriate admixtures and produced by polylight burning loss method; volume density 0.4-1.35g/cm3, porosity 66%73%, compressive strength 18MPa
  • High-alumina T-3 bricks: conventional size is 230×114×65, the product material is high alumina (оксид алюминия)
  • High-alumina T-38 bricks: product specifications are 23011465 (knife edge)
  • High-alumina three-piece refractory bricks: AL203≥75, refractoriness: 1790, volume density: 2.6, compressive strength: 60MPA

High alumina insulation brick for sale

High alumina insulation brick for sale

High Alumina Insulation Brick VS Mullite insulation brick

High Alumina Insulation BrickМуллитовый изоляционный кирпич
СырьеIt is mainly made of high-alumina powder, alumina powder, silicon powder and the like as raw materials, with organic rubber powder added, and is made through mixing, stirring and molding.It is mainly made of mullite and usually contains high alumina (45%~65%). In addition to mullite, the mineral composition may also contain a small amount of glass phase and quartz or corundum.
Физические свойстваIt has the advantages of fire resistance, высокая термостойкость, легкий вес, Высокая сила, и т. д., and its thermal insulation performance is also excellent.It has the characteristics of low thermal conductivity, low heat melting, высокая прочность на сжатие, and good thermal shock resistance and corrosion resistance.
использоватьIt is widely used in metallurgy, нефтехимический, техника, building materials and other industrial fields. It can be used to make fine ceramic products and manufacture high-temperature equipment such as ovens and heating furnaces.It is mainly used in the fields of building thermal insulation, home appliance thermal insulation, и т. д., especially in the lining of high-temperature kilns that need to directly contact flames, such as ethylene cracking furnaces and tubular heating furnaces in the petroleum and chemical industries.
производительностьDue to its complex manufacturing process, the finished bricks are light in volume and have good thermal insulation properties.In addition to its outstanding thermal insulation performance, it also has the characteristics of adsorption performance, toughness, высокая прочность на сжатие, waterproofness, sound insulation and heat insulation.
Метод изготовленияIt is usually made by mixing and molding.According to different production methods, it is divided into sintered mullite bricks and fused mullite bricks. Sintered mullite bricks are made of high-alumina bauxite clinker as raw material, adding clay or raw bauxite as a binder, and are formed and fired; fused mullite bricks are made by reduction fusion method.

Details to pay attention to when using lightweight high-alumina bricks:

  1. Thermal insulation materials have poor slag resistance and cannot be directly in contact with high-temperature melt or high-speed furnace dust.
  2. Thermal insulation materials shrink greatly when reburned, and the long-term use temperature should be at least 50~100℃ lower than its firing temperature.
  3. Thermal insulation materials have poor wear resistance and cannot be used in areas that are frequently opened or vibrated.
  4. Thermal insulation materials have low mechanical strength and cannot be used in load-bearing areas.

High alumina insulation brick price

High alumina insulation brick price


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№ 92 Цзяньше Вест Роуд, Чжунюаньский район, Чжэнчжоу, Хэнань,Китай.

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Промышленный парк огнеупорных материалов Liguo Village, Синьми город, Чжэнчжоу город, Провинция Хэнань,Китай