
Трамбовка огнеупоров

  • Режим доставки: СИФ
  • Время выполнения: 30 дни
  • Метод транзакции: Заказ T/T или кредитного страхования.
  • Образец: Предоставить образец
  • В наличии: доступный
  • Минимальный объем заказа: Любое количество может быть поставлено вам в соответствии с вашими требованиями..
  • Система менеджмента качества: ИСО 9001:2008 система менеджмента качества; Сертификация CE.


Definition of Ramming refractories

Трамбовка огнеупоров refer to amorphous refractory materials that are constructed by ramming (manual or mechanical) and hardened under heating above normal temperature. It is made by mixing refractory aggregates, порошки, связующие, admixtures with a certain grade, and adding water or other liquids.

Refractories ramming mass is a bulk material composed of a high proportion of granular materials and a low proportion of binders and other components, or even all of granular and powdery materials, which needs to be constructed by strong ramming.

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Трамбовка огнеупоров

Трамбовка огнеупоров

characteristics of refractories

Physical characteristics

  • Высокая термостойкость: Refractory materials can withstand temperatures much higher than conventional building materials, and their refractoriness can usually exceed 1580℃.
  • Deformation resistance: Under high temperature conditions, refractory materials can maintain their shape and dimensional stability and are not prone to softening or deformation.
  • Коррозионная стойкость: Refractory materials have the ability to resist chemical erosion and can maintain their structural integrity when exposed to corrosive substances.

Chemical characteristics

  • Высокая температура плавления: Refractory materials usually have a high melting point, which means that they can be used for a long time at temperatures close to their melting point without melting.
  • Химическая стабильность: Refractory materials can still maintain their chemical properties stable at high temperatures and are not easy to react with other substances.

Process characteristics

  • Processability: Refractory materials can be made through different processes, such as sintering, casting, и т. д., in order to adapt to different use requirements.
  • Износостойкость: Refractory materials usually have good wear resistance and can be used for a long time in environments with high friction.

Use characteristics

  • Anti-oxidation performance: Some refractory materials have good anti-oxidation performance, which can extend the service life in high-temperature oxidizing environments.
  • Thermal insulation properties: Refractory materials used in the construction industry also have good thermal insulation properties, which can effectively reduce heat transfer.

Ramming refractories examples

1. High-alumina refractory ramming mass

2. Magnesium refractory ramming mass

  • Magnesium refractory ramming mass for coreless induction furnace
  • Electric furnace bottom ramming mass

3. Silica ramming mass

4. Zirconium ramming mass

5. Graphite ramming mass.

6. Dry ramming mass

  • Corundum dry mass
  • Silica dry mass
  • Silica-alumina dry mass
  • Magnesium and magnesium-calcium dry mass

Ramming refractories uses

  1. Uses in steel enterprises: steel ladle; electric furnace top; walking beam heating furnace
  2. Uses in cement industry: waste heat power generation boiler
  3. Uses in industrial kilns: lining repair and construction; filling of furnace corners; as lining material
  4. Uses in silicate kilns: bottom laying and hot patching
  5. Uses in induction furnaces, aluminum smelting furnaces, и т. д..: furnace lining material
  6. Uses in electric furnaces and open furnaces: construction or repair of melting pools and steel spouts; lining materials and repair materials for electric furnace bottom and furnace slope
  7. Uses in filling: filling the gap between furnace cooling equipment and masonry or masonry leveling layer


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Адрес завода

Промышленный парк огнеупорных материалов Liguo Village, Синьми город, Чжэнчжоу город, Провинция Хэнань,Китай