
Огнеупорный пластик

  • Heat resistance
  • Механическая прочность
  • Коррозионная стойкость
  • Низкая теплопроводность
  • Excellent insulation properties
  • Размерная стабильность
  • Lightweight characteristics
  • Устойчивость к истиранию


Brief description of refractory plastics

The main components of refractory plastics are specific types of resins and fillers that, after special processing, can withstand high temperatures while maintaining excellent mechanical strength and stability. These materials can usually withstand temperatures exceeding 1000 degrees Celsius without significant physical deformation or chemical degradation.

The main components of refractory plastics include aggregates such as high-alumina clinker, корунд, mullite and silicon carbide. The binder is usually raw clay or chemical composites, and admixtures may include expansive materials such as kyanite powder, и т. д.. 65. Depending on the material, refractory plastics can be divided into clay, high-alumina, корунд, silicon, magnesium, chromium and silicon carbide.

Прочие огнеупорные неформованные изделия

Огнеупорный пластик

Огнеупорный пластик

Chemical properties of refractory plastics

Material nameAcidic medium (HCl, H2SO4)Alkaline medium (NaOH)Organic solvent (alcohols, ketones)Thermal decomposition temperature (°С)Tensile strength (МПа)
Polyimide (PI)ОтличныйХорошийХороший40090
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)ОтличныйОтличныйОтличный32720
Silicone (Silicone)ХорошийMediumОтличный25010

Как использовать огнеупорный пластик?

1. Подготовка перед строительством
2. Смешивание материалов
3. Укладка, nailing and ramming
4. Surface finishing and setting of expansion joints
5. Обслуживание

Classification of plastic refractory materials

  • Polyethylene plastics
  • Polypropylene plastics
  • Fluoroplastic plastics
  • Polyurethane plastics
  • Composite plastics

Application areas

  • Выплавка стали: used for the protection of key parts of blast furnaces, steelmaking furnaces, converters and other equipment.
  • Строительная отрасль: used for the production of fire protection facilities such as fire walls, fire doors, and insulation boards.
  • Petrochemical industry: used for the production of key components such as catalysts, теплообменники, and reactors.
  • Power industry: used for the protection of key parts such as boiler walls, дымоходы, and furnaces in thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, and other places.
  • Thermal equipment: used for the lining of thermal equipment such as boilers.


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Промышленный парк огнеупорных материалов Liguo Village, Синьми город, Чжэнчжоу город, Провинция Хэнань,Китай