
Magnezya krom tuğlası

  • Good thermal shock stability
  • İyi korozyon direnci
  • Yüksek basınç mukavemeti
  • High flexural resistance


What is magnesia chrome brick

Magnesia chrome brick is refractory products made of magnesia and chromium oxide as the main components, periclase and spinel as the main minerals. Magnesia chrome bricks have high high-temperature strength, strong slag resistance and excellent thermal stability. They are mainly used for Metallurgical Industry.

Magnezya içeren diğer refrakter tuğlalar

Magnezya krom tuğlası

Magnezya krom tuğlası

Teknik parametre

ÖğeMagnesia-chrome bricksUnfired magnesia-chrome brick
MgO %≥605545423065606055
Cr2O3 %≥8121618268121216
AP %≤222221212018161616
CCS MPa≥303025253055555555
0.2MPa RUL≥150015001500150015001500150015001500

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Magnesia chrome brick performance characteristics

  • RefrakterlikMagnesia-chrome bricks have high refractoriness and can withstand extremely high temperatures.
  • High temperature strengthIt has good high temperature strength to ensure structural integrity in high temperature environments.
  • Alkaline slag corrosion resistanceStrong resistance to alkaline slag corrosion enables it to perform well in environments containing alkaline substances.
  • Termal şok kararlılığıExcellent thermal shock stability, able to remain stable under rapid temperature changes.

Magnesia Chrome Bricks Production Process

  1. Raw Material Preparation: Select appropriate chrome ore and magnesia as the main raw materials. Chrome ore usually includes Xinjiang chrome ore, South African chrome concentrate and Indian chrome ore, while magnesia is obtained by light burning of magnesia and further processing.
  2. Mixing and molding: Mix the prepared chrome ore and magnesia in a certain proportion, and then make bricks through high temperature and high pressure molding process.
  3. Firing: Put the formed bricks into the kiln for firing. During the firing process, control the temperature and time to ensure that the bricks react fully and form the required crystal structure.
  4. Cooling and inspection: After firing, the bricks are cooled to room temperature and quality inspection is carried out, including indicators such as size, yoğunluk, and strength.

Comparison of properties of different types of magnesia chrome bricks

The performance of magnesia-chrome bricks prepared by different production processes is different.

  1. Doğrudan bağlı magnezya-krom tuğlalar: good thermal shock stability
  2. Electro-melted rebonded magnesia-chrome bricks: strong corrosion resistance
  3. Semi-rebonded magnesia-chrome bricks: performance between the first two

What are the main applications of magnesia chrome bricks?

  • Metallurgical industry: open-hearth furnace top, electric furnace top, external refining furnace, non-ferrous metal smelting furnace
  • Çimento endüstrisi: rotary kiln firing zone
  • Cam endüstrisi: regenerator

Lite Magnesia Chrome Brick Delivery

Lite Magnesia Chrome Brick Delivery


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