
Reaksiyon sinterlenmiş silisyum karbür kiriş

  • Nakliye modu: CIF
  • Kurşun zamanı: 30 günler
  • İşlem yöntemi: T/T veya kredi sigortası siparişi.
  • Örnek: Örnek sağlayın
  • Stokta var: mevcut
  • Minimum sipariş miktarı: İhtiyaçlarınıza göre herhangi bir miktar size temin edilebilir.
  • Kalite yönetim sistemi: ISO 9001:2008 kalite yönetim sistemi; CE sertifikası.


Reaction sintered silicon carbide beams

Reaction sintered silicon carbide beams are mainly used as load-bearing structural frames in tunnel kilns, shuttle kilns and other industrial kilns.
Reaction-sintered silicon carbide beams have the advantages of large high-temperature bearing capacity, no bending and deformation during long-term use, and long service life. They are ideal kiln furniture for sanitary porcelain and electric porcelain and other industries. It also has good thermal conductivity and can significantly save energy consumption without increasing the weight of the kiln car.

Reaksiyon sinterlenmiş silisyum karbür kiriş

Reaksiyon sinterlenmiş silisyum karbür kiriş

Performance parameters of reaction-sintered silicon carbide

Yoğunluk: 3.05~3.09g/cm³.
Free silicon: 15vol%.
Room temperature flexural strength: 640MPa.
Room temperature K1c: 4.3.
Sertlik: HR_A=92.5.
Weber modulus: 14.
Korozyon direnci: better than cemented carbide and high-purity Al2O3-SiC.
Aşınma direnci: better than cemented carbide and high-purity Al2O3-SiC.

Product advantages

The lifespan is several times longer than other materials
Can significantly save energy consumption without increasing the weight of the kiln car

physical properties

  • High temperature bearing capacity, no bending and deformation after long-term use, long service life
  • Has good thermal conductivity and can significantly save energy consumption
  • The bending strength is calculated based on 250MP, taking a safety factor of 5 kez, and the bearing capacity length is 1 meter.

chemical properties

Yüksek sıcaklık dayanımı, high altitude, yüksek sertlik, wear resistance, korozyon direnci, soothing reaction, small relative gravity

Product application

Especially suitable for making load-bearing structural frames in tunnel kilns, shuttle kilns, double-layer roller kilns and other industrial kilns.
It is an ideal kiln furniture for high-voltage electric porcelain, sanitary porcelain, crystallized glass, refractory materials and other industries.

Reaksiyon sinterlenmiş silisyum karbür kiriş

Our website:https://www.lite-kilnrefractory.com/


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ofis adresi

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Fabrika adresi

Liguo Köyü Refrakter Endüstri Parkı, Xinmi Şehri, Zhengzhou Şehri, Henan Eyaleti,Çin