In the world of high-temperature industrial applications, unshaped refractory materials play a pivotal role. Unlike traditional refractory bricks or pre-formed shapes, these materials offer unparalleled flexibility and adaptability. But what exactly are unshaped refractory products, and how are they classified? Let’s dive in. What Are Unshaped Refractory Materials? Shakllanmagan refrakter materiallar, also known as monolithic refractories, are materials […]
Yuqori haroratli kvadrat metallurgiya sanoatida ajralmas hisoblanadi, keramika, va shisha ishlab chiqarish. Ushbu killiklar haddan tashqari sharoitlarda ishlaydi, kuchli issiqlik va termal zarba beradigan materiallarni talab qiladi. One such material that has proven to be highly effective is refractory ramming material. Ushbu maqola arizalarni bekor qiladi, foyda, and selection criteria of ramming […]
Yuqori alumina g'ishtlari turli xil yuqori haroratli sanoat dasturlarida muhim materiallardir. Ularning ajoyib issiqlik barqarorligi bilan tanilgan, korroziyaga qarshilik, va mexanik kuch, Ushbu g'ishtlar po'lat kabi sanoatlarda keng qo'llaniladi, sement, va shisha ishlab chiqarish. In this article, we will delve into the specifics of SK34 high alumina brick and SK32 high alumina […]
When it comes to high-temperature insulation and sealing solutions, ceramic fiber gaskets are a top choice for industries worldwide. These gaskets are made from high-purity ceramic fibers, offering exceptional thermal resistance, durability, and versatility. Whether you’re looking for ceramic fiber gasket for sale or simply want to learn more about their applications, this guide covers […]
Corundum and alumina are chemically identical, both consisting of aluminum oxide (Al2O3), but their physical forms and crystal structures are significantly different, so they differ in practical applications and properties. Here is a detailed comparison of the two: 1. Kimyoviy tarkibi – Alumina (Al2O₃): It is an oxide of aluminum with the chemical formula Al2O₃, […]
Refractory balls are commonly used heat storage or support materials in industrial high temperature equipment. Their classification is mainly based on material composition and performance characteristics. The following are common classifications and their brief introduction: — 1. Alumina refractory balls Ingredients: Mainly alumina (Al₂O₃), the content is usually between 48% va 99%. Xususiyatlari: – Ordinary […]
Arqon, Mullit va kremniy karbidi muzliklarda muhim rol o'ynaydi, quyida bayon qilinganidek: 1. Cordierite *Characteristics*: Termal termal kengaytirish koeffitsienti, Yaxshi issiqlik zarbalariga qarshilik, yuqori haroratga qarshilik. *Ilova *: Pilan mebellarida ishlatiladi, o'tga chidamli g'ishtlar, va hokazo., harorat o'zgarishi bilan holatlar uchun mos keladi. 2. Mullite *Characteristics*: yuqori erigan nuqta, Yaxshi mexanik kuch va treep qarshilik. *Ilova *: […]
Seramika pechlari uchun o'tga chidamli g'ishtlar O'tga chidamli g'isht turlari Loy turi: suitable for parts with furnace temperature below 1000C High aluminum type: suitable for combustion chambers and high temperature areas with temperature above 1000°C Corundum bricks: mainly used in the combustion chambers of ceramic kilns Silicon carbide type: shkaf taxtalari uchun ishlatiladi, ustunlar, nurlar, va hokazo. of […]
Yuqori haroratli pechlar hozirda sanoat ishlab chiqarishidagi asosiy asosiy uskuna hisoblanadi, ular asosan po'latdan yasalgan. Agar pechka o'tga chidamli materiallar bilan qoplangan bo'lmasa, undan foydalanish mumkin emas, chunki o'choqning po'lat silindrining mustahkamligi haroratning oshishi bilan kamayadi, ayniqsa, harorat keskin o'zgarganda, […]
The t and g numbers of refractory bricks represent the types and characteristics of refractory bricks. T-prefix refractory bricks are general refractory bricks suitable for various industrial furnaces, portlash pechlari kabi, issiq yuqori pechlar, elektr pechning tomlari, va hokazo. G-prefix refractory bricks are refractory materials specifically used for blast furnaces. These numbers usually consist of […]
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Bu yuqori sifatli R&D va refrakter materiallar sohasidagi ishlab chiqarish korxonasi.
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№ 92 Jianshe West Road, Zhongyuan tumani, Chjenchjou, Xenan,Xitoy.