Aluminum soil, also known as aluminum ore, is an important industrial ore. Its main component is alumina (Al2O3), and it also contains certain impurities. The use ofbauxiteis very wide, mainly including: 1.bauxite is one of the main raw materials for production of aluminum. Through high temperature smelting, bauxite can be converted into metal aluminum. Aluminum […]
1.Classification of refractory materials for torpedo tanks (1)Refractory materials for working layer: mainly aluminum carbide silicon carbon bricks are used. This material has good thermal shock stability and can adapt to the temperature difference of up to 800℃ in the torpedo tank. It also has high strength, good mechanical erosion resistance and wear resistance, as […]
As a high-performance refractory material, magnesia-alumina spinel bricks have broad application prospects in cement kilns, steel smelting and other fields due to their excellent thermal shock stability, improved load softening temperature, strong erosion resistance, excellent physical properties, good thermal insulation performance, excellent wear resistance and erosion resistance, as well as environmental protection and sustainable development. […]
Many ceramic and metal materials will be damaged if they are in high temperature, reduction, oxidation and other environments for a long time. Such problems can be solved by coating the surface of the material with a compound coating material that can remain stable in the use environment. Mullite has stable chemical properties, good corrosion […]
1.Construction: Castables are usually used for pouring concrete. Masalan, in foundation engineering, castables can fill the foundation, enhance the bearing capacity of the foundation, and make the building more stable. In underground pipeline construction, castables can also be used to fill the gaps around the pipeline to enhance the structural strength of the pipeline […]
High-alumina anchors refer to high-alumina refractory bricks with a specific shape that are installed on the steel structure of the industrial kiln shell or supporting the furnace lining and embedded in the refractory lining to serve as anchors and links. Anchor bricks are generally used in furnaces, also called hanging bricks. They are a new […]
Alyuminiy tsement, yuqori aluminali tsement yoki kalsinlangan aluminat tsement sifatida ham tanilgan, rudadan tayyorlangan maxsus refrakter sementdir (kaolin kabi, boksit, ko'mir gangasi, va hokazo.) xomashyo sifatida va yuqori haroratda kalsinlanadi. Aluminat tsementning asosiy komponenti kaltsiy aluminatdir (CA), yuqori alyuminiy oksidiga ega (Al2O3) mazmuni, odatda orasida 40%-70%. […]
Olovga chidamli tsement yaxshi plastisiyaga ega va qurilishda foydalanish uchun qulay. Bundan tashqari, refrakter tsementning yopishqoqligi va mustahkamligi nisbatan katta. Olovga chidamli tsementdan foydalanganda, u yaxshi korroziyaga chidamliligiga ega. The refractoriness of refractory cement is very high. Umuman, O'tga chidamli tsementning refrakterligi 1650 ℃ + 50 ℃ gacha bo'lishi mumkin, which is a […]
Umumiy AZS g'ishtlari sirkonyum korund g'ishtlaridir, ko'pincha shisha pech sanoatida qo'llaniladi. Uchta umumiy model mavjud: AZS33#, AZS36# va AZS41#. Quyida farqning batafsil tavsifi keltirilgan. 1.Eritilgan sirkonyum korund g'isht AZS33#: The dense microstructure of zirconium corundum bricks makes the bricks resistant to glass liquid […]
Refractory cement plays an irreplaceable role in high-temperature industrial facilities and special building construction due to its excellent high temperature resistance. Proper mixing and use of refractory cement is key to ensuring its performance. The following is a basic guide to mixing and using refractory cement. 1.In the proportion of refractory cement, the cement composition […]
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