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Classification of unshaped refractories
What are the classifications of unshaped refractories?
Yuqori haroratli osh qoshiq uchun massa
Yuqori haroratli kiloglarda qanday qilib ishlatiladigan materiallar?
SK34 vs SK32 Xususiy xususiyatlari va ilovalari
SK34 vs SK32 Xususiy xususiyatlari va ilovalari
white ceramic fiber gasket
Keramika tolali qashrat: Foydalanadi, Foyda, va qayerdan sotib olish kerak

Introduction and classification of calcium silicate boards


Calcium silicate board is made of loose short fibers such as inorganic mineral fibers or cellulose fibers as reinforcing materials, and siliceous-calcium materials as the main cementing material. It is pulped, molded, and accelerated in high-temperature and high-pressure saturated steam to form a Plate made of calcium silicate gel. It is a new type of construction and industrial board with excellent properties. Its products are fire-proof, namlikka chidamli, sound-insulating, insect-proof and have good durability. It is an ideal decorative board for ceilings and partitions.


Calcium silicate board is a kind of material made of siliceous material (the main component is SiO2, such as quartz powder, fly ash, diatomite, va hokazo.), calcium material (the main component is CaO, such as lime, calcium carbide mud, sement, va hokazo.), It is a new type of inorganic building material made of reinforced fiber materials, additives, va hokazo. in a certain proportion, and made through processes such as copying, molding, and autoclaving. Because of its high strength, engil vazn, good processability and non-flammability, it is widely used in ship bulkheads, suspended ceilings and non-load-bearing walls of buildings, as well as other places with fire protection requirements. Calcium silicate boards are divided into calcium silicate boards for insulation and calcium silicate boards for decoration.

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