
Loy g'isht

  • Shipping mode: CIF
  • Lead time: 30 days
  • Transaction method: T/T or credit insurance order.
  • Sample: Provide sample
  • In stock: available
  • Minimum order quantity: Any quantity can be supplied to you according to your requirements.


1.Fire clay brick Description

Fire Clay bricks are refractory bricks made of various raw materials including refractory clay, calcined soft clay and soft clay. The alumina content is generally 30% -48% alumina refractory. It is a weakly acidic refractory product that can resist acid slag and acid gas erosion, has good thermal performance, and is resistant to rapid cooling and high temperature.

Other refractory bricks

2.Fire clay brick Feature

(1)High refractoriness
(2)High-temperature endurable
(3)Good corrosion resistance
(4)Good spalling resistance and wear resistance
(5)Good thermal shock resistance
(6)High mechanical strength
(7)Good volume stability at high temperature.

3.Technical Parameter

SK seriesSK30SK32SK34SK35
Fe2O3 /% 3 3 3 2.5
O'tga chidamlilik 1690 ℃≥ 1730℃≥ 1750℃≥ 1750℃
Unit weight(230*114*65mm)≥ 3.35KGS≥ 3.55KGS≥ 3.65KGS≥ 3.75KGS
A.P% 26 24 24 22
C.C.S≥ 20Mpa≥ 25Mpa≥ 30Mpa≥ 35Mpa
R.U.L 1250 ℃ 1300 ℃ 1350 ℃ 1420 ℃
R.L.C%0~ -0.5(1350℃ ,2h)0~ -0.3(1350℃ ,2h)0~ -0.4(1450℃ ,2h)+0.1~ -0.4(1450℃ ,2h)

From Wikipedia: Fire brick


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office address

№ 92 Jianshe West Road, Zhongyuan tumani, Chjenchjou, Xenan,Xitoy.

Factory address

Liguo Village Refractory Industrial Park, Xinmi City, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province,Xitoy