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Classification of unshaped refractories
What are the classifications of unshaped refractories?
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What are the fire brick dimensions?

The t and g numbers of refractory bricks represent the types and characteristics of refractory bricks.

T-prefix refractory bricks are general refractory bricks suitable for various industrial furnaces, such as blast furnaces, hot blast furnaces, electric furnace roofs, etc.
G-prefix refractory bricks are refractory materials specifically used for blast furnaces.

These numbers usually consist of a letter plus a number. The letter represents the type of refractory brick, and the number is the serial number of the type.
For example, t-38 represents a side wedge brick with a volume of 1559cm³ and a finished size of 230×113×65/55

refractory brick dimensions

refractory brick dimensions

General refractory bricks: straight bricks, thick wedge bricks, vertical thick wedge bricks, vertical wedge bricks and arch foot bricks. The weight of ordinary refractory bricks is about 2 kg to 8 kg, and the overall size ratio is within the range of 1:4, without concave corners, holes, and grooves.
It is generally used for the masonry of right-angle walls and radiant walls of industrial kiln thermal equipment. The common specifications of shaped refractory bricks are G-type bricks and T-type bricks.

  • The sizes of straight bricks are: 230*114*65mm, 230×150×75mm, 345×150×75mm, 230×150/135×75mm, 345×150/130×75mm, 230×150/120×75mm, 345×150/110×75mm.
  • The sizes of wedge-shaped refractory bricks are: 114×65/35×230mm, 114×65/45×230mm, 114×65/55×230mm, 114×55/45×230mm, 114×75/45×230mm, 114×75/55×230mm, 114×75/65×230mm, 114×70/60×230mm, 114×85/55×230mm, 114×80/50×230mm.
  • The size of the arch foot bricks: 132×114×230×33mm, 199×114×230×84mm, 199×114×230×36mm, 266×230×114×67mm, 199×345×73×49mm, 266×345×73×54mm.

Special-shaped bricks: knife-shaped bricks, axe bricks, burner bricks, checker bricks, fan-shaped bricks, wind guide wall bricks, etc. The weight of general special-shaped refractory bricks is basically between 2 kg and 15 kg, the overall size ratio is within 1:6, and there are no more than two concave angles; or products with 50-75 degree acute angles; or no more than 4 grooves.
In terms of material, there are clay special-shaped bricks, high-alumina special-shaped bricks, aluminum-carbon special-shaped bricks, magnesium-carbon special-shaped bricks, corundum special-shaped bricks, etc.


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