

  • The continuous use temperature can reach 1000℃, and the short-term use temperature can reach 1260℃.
  • Low thermal conductivity helps to improve the thermal insulation effect.
  • Low heat capacity and can respond quickly to temperature changes.
  • It has the ability to resist corrosion by non-ferrous metals such as aluminum and zinc.


What is ceramic fiber cloth?

Ceramic fiber cloth is a high-temperature resistant material woven from high-purity alumina silicate fibers. It has excellent heat resistance, insulation and chemical stability. The temperature resistance range of it is usually between 1260°C and 1430°C, and it is suitable for applications such as heat insulation, fire protection, and sound insulation in high-temperature environments.

Its light weight, softness and cutability make it easy to install and use. It is often used to wrap high-temperature pipes, furnace doors, cable protection, diffusion furnaces, heat treatment furnaces and other equipment. Zusätzlich, it also has good chemical corrosion resistance, strong acid and alkali resistance, and is suitable for chemical industrial environments. Im Allgemeinen, it is an ideal insulation and protection material in the field of high-temperature industry.

Hot selling size

  • 650 ceramic fiber cloth 2mm x 1m x 30m
  • 1260 ceramic fiber cloth 2mm x 1m x 30m
  • 1260 ceramic fiber cloth 3mm x 1m x 30m

Rational indicators of ceramic fiber cloth

Indicator namedescribe
Maximum operating temperature1000℃
Wärmeleitfähigkeit0.130 W/m·K
Al2O3 content45-48%
Fe2O3 content0.7-1.2%
tensile strengthHigher
Chemical resistanceResistant to most chemicals
Dimensional stabilityThe change of heating permanent line at a certain temperature does not exceed 3%
Bulk density200-240 kg/m³ Better

Aus Wikipedia: Keramikfaser

Characteristics of ceramic fiber cloth

  • High temperature resistance: continuous use temperature can reach 1000℃, short-term use temperature can reach 1260℃.
  • Niedrige thermische Leitfähigkeit: low thermal conductivity helps to improve thermal insulation effect.
  • Resistant to thermal shock: has good thermal shock resistance and can remain stable in an environment with rapid temperature changes.
  • Low heat capacity: low heat capacity and can respond quickly to temperature changes.
  • Excellent high temperature insulation performance: can still maintain good insulation performance in high temperature environment.
  • Resistant to molten metal corrosion: has the ability to resist corrosion by non-ferrous metals such as aluminum and zinc.
  • Good low and high temperature strength: can maintain good mechanical strength under low and high temperature conditions.
  • Non-toxic, harmless, odorless: no adverse effects on human body and environment.
  • Acid and alkali corrosion resistance: has good acid and alkali corrosion resistance.
  • Electrical insulation: ceramic fiber cloth with alkali-free glass fiber as reinforcement material has high electrical insulation and high temperature electrical insulation.

1260C Ceramic Fiber Cloth

1260C Ceramic Fiber Cloth

Ceramic fiber cloth vs rock wool

Steinwolle is a thermal insulation material made from natural basalt, which has the characteristics of sound absorption, heat insulation and fire resistance. Im Gegensatz, it has the following advantages:

High temperature resistance: The temperature resistance of it is much higher than that of rock wool. The performance of rock wool will decrease in high temperature environment, while ceramic fiber cloth can remain stable at temperatures up to 1600-1800°C.

Korrosionsbeständigkeit: In corrosive environments, ceramic fiber cloth has a longer service life, while rock wool has a relatively shorter service life.

Fiber cloth and aluminum silicate insulation material

Aluminum silicate insulation material is a kind of insulation material made of kaolin, coal slag, alumina and other materials through high temperature sintering. The main differences between the two include:

Material properties: Ceramic cloth is a flexible high-temperature resistant insulation material, while aluminum silicate insulation material is a hard material.

Bauweise: Fiber cloth is usually used as a filling or coating in other materials, while aluminum silicate insulation material is cut and pasted on the wall or other building components.

Thermal performance: Ceramic fiber cloth has good thermal insulation performance, but it is fragile and easy to fall off; aluminum silicate insulation material has a low thermal conductivity coefficient and is not easy to crack.

Application scenarios of ceramic fiber cloth

  • Thermal insulation of various kilns, high-temperature pipes and containers
  • Materials for furnace doors, valves, flange seals, fire doors and fire-proof roller shutters
  • Insulation of engines and instruments, fire-proof cable sheathing materials
  • High-temperature fireproof materials; fabrics for thermal insulation covering, high-temperature expansion joint fillers

Kiln high temperature resistant ceramic fiber cloth

Kiln high temperature resistant ceramic fiber cloth


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