

  • Versandmodus: CIF
  • Vorlaufzeit: 30 Tage
  • Transaktionsmethode: T/T- oder Kreditversicherungsauftrag.
  • Probe: Probe bereitstellen
  • Auf Lager: verfügbar
  • Mindestbestellmenge: Jede Menge kann Ihnen gemäß Ihren Anforderungen zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
  • Qualitätsmanagementsystem: ISO 9001:2008 Qualitätsmanagementsystem; CE -Zertifizierung.


Definition and raw materials of ceramic fiber paper

Ceramic fiber paper is a paper-like material made of ceramic fibers. It is made of fine ceramic fibers through a specific preparation process to form a fiber network structure, similar to the fiber network of traditional paper. It is usually made of ceramic materials such as alumina and zirconium oxide.It is mainly made of selected aluminum silicate ceramic fiber cotton as the main raw material using a wet molding process.

A small amount of scientifically selected and strictly controlled binder is added during the production process, and the binder will be completely burned during use.According to different chemical compositions, aluminum silicate fiber paper can be divided into standard aluminum silicate fiber paper, high-purity aluminum silicate fiber paper, high-aluminum aluminum silicate fiber paper, zirconium-containing aluminum silicate fiber paper, usw.

ceramic fiber paper roll

ceramic fiber paper roll

Andere heißverkaufte Keramikfaserprodukte

ceramic fiber paper specification

Fiber TypeCeramic Fiber
thickness1.0 mm, 2.0 mm, 3.0 mm
density200 kg/m³, 320 kg/m³, 480 kg/m³
Temperature range1260°C, 1400°C, 1600°C
Größe1000 mm x 1000 mm
colorWhite, Gray
AnwendungsbereicheHigh temperature insulation, welding protection, equipment insulation

Aus Wikipedia: Keramikfaser

Characteristics of ceramic paper

  • Hochtemperaturstabilität, geringe Wärmeleitfähigkeit, low specific heat, geringes Gewicht, thermal shock resistance, high thermal reflectivity, good dielectric strength, Korrosionsbeständigkeit
  • Good thermal insulation, sound insulation, and insulation performance
  • Good flexibility and tear resistance
  • No asbestos, no reaction with aluminum liquid
  • Good electrical insulation and sound insulation performance
  • Good mechanical processing performance
  • Tough texture, high compressive strength

What temperature can ceramic fiber paper sheets withstand?

Specific temperature: The working temperature range of ceramic fiber paper is 1050 ~ 1430℃
High temperature resistant material: Ceramic fiber paper is made of selected aluminum silicate ceramic fiber cotton as the main raw material. Due to different use temperatures, it is divided into four materials: standard, high aluminum, and zirconium-containing ceramic fiber paper (236/436/536)
Wärmedämmleistung: Ceramic fiber paper can effectively prevent or slow down heat transfer, and the thermal conductivity at 800℃ can be as low as 0.12w/(m.k)

Ceramic fiber paper for insulation What does density mean?

Definition: Ceramic fiber paper density refers to the ratio of the weight of ceramic fiber to the total material
Influencing factors:
  1. The thermal conductivity decreases with the increase of volume density, but the reduction gradually decreases
  2. When the density exceeds a certain range, Die thermische Leitfähigkeit nimmt nicht mehr ab, neigt aber tendenziell zu
  3. There is a minimum thermal conductivity and a corresponding minimum volume density at different temperatures
Optimale Dichte:
  1. There is an optimal volume density with the minimum thermal conductivity
  2. Foreign layered ceramic fiber wall linings, the volume density of ceramic fiber on the hot surface is specified as 130 ~ 160Kg/m?
  3. The volume density of ceramic fiber on the hot surface of flat-laid composite furnace linings is specified as 200 ~ 240Kg/m?

Ceramic paper inspection and delivery

Ceramic paper inspection and delivery


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