
Кордиерит Муллит Сагер

  • Высокая термостойкость
  • Low expansion coefficient
  • Good anti-flaking and anti-powdering properties
  • Particularly suitable for sintering of lithium iron phosphate materials
  • Suitable for rapid cooling and heating
  • Few impurities


Sagger Description

Cordierite mullite sagger (CML sagger) is a high-performance refractory material designed for high-temperature applications and is widely used in the sintering of lithium battery positive electrode materials. Made of high-quality materials such as cordierite and mullite, the sagger has excellent corrosion resistance, excellent thermal shock resistance and high-temperature stability. It can withstand temperatures up to 1700 degrees Celsius and provide a safe environment for materials during the firing process. Кроме того, its low thermal expansion coefficient makes the sagger stable in rapid temperature changes and not easy to crack.

Кроме того, cordierite mullite sagger is also widely used in industries such as ceramics, metallurgy and powder processing. Its unique physical properties make it suitable for high-temperature processes such as firing ceramics, sintering powders and heat treating metals, ensuring the thermal stability of the processed materials and the protection of chemical and mechanical strength. This sagger has become a reliable solution for improving productivity due to its durability and efficiency.

Другая печь мебель

Physical properties of Cordierite Mullite ceramic Sagger

Физические свойстваIndex
Volume density (G / CM3)1.9-2.0
Apparent porosity (%)23-27
Flexural strength at room temperature(mPa)11
Expansion coefficient2.2
Load softening temperature (℃1350
Safe use temperature1300

Chemical composition of cordierite sagger

Химический составContent
Load softening temperature (℃1350
Safe use temperature1300

Features and advantages of cordierite mullite sagger:

  • Высокая термостойкость: It can withstand high temperature environment and is suitable for high temperature processes such as various powder sintering and metal smelting.
  • Good thermal shock stability: It has good thermal shock resistance and can maintain structural stability under drastic temperature changes.
  • Small expansion coefficient: The lower thermal expansion coefficient makes the sagger less deformed when the temperature changes, which is conducive to maintaining the stability of the shape.
  • Good anti-stripping and anti-powdering properties: These characteristics ensure the structural integrity of the sagger in long-term use and reduce the frequency of maintenance and replacement.
  • Particularly suitable for the sintering of lithium iron phosphate materials: Cordierite mullite sagger is particularly suitable for the sintering process of lithium battery materials such as lithium iron phosphate due to its unique physical and chemical properties.
  • Long service life: Due to the above excellent properties, the service life of cordierite mullite sagger is relatively long, which can improve production efficiency and reduce operating costs.
  • Suitable for rapid cooling and heating: This type of sagger is particularly suitable for processes that require frequent rapid temperature rise and fall, such as the sintering of lithium battery materials.
  • Fewer impurities: High-quality cordierite mullite saggers contain fewer impurities, which helps to improve the purity and quality of fired products.

Production process and production process of cordierite mullite sagger

The production process of cordierite mullite sagger involves several key links.

  1. High-quality cordierite and mullite raw materials must be selected to ensure the stability and uniformity of their chemical composition.
  2. The required particle size distribution is achieved through fine crushing and screening.
  3. The raw materials are mixed in a specific proportion and molded, usually by pressing or injection molding. После формования, the product needs to be fired at high temperature to ensure its density and heat resistance.
  4. After cooling, inspection and trimming, the cordierite mullite sagger is finally completed and enters the market.

Application of Cordierite Mullite Sagger

  • High temperature ceramic firing: used for high temperature firing of ceramic materials to ensure the shape and dimensional stability of the product.
  • Silicate ceramic production: provides necessary support and separation when producing silicate ceramics.
  • Photovoltaic glass manufacturing: used for firing photovoltaic glass to improve the quality and efficiency of finished products.
  • Refractories production: as an important component of refractory materials, improves refractory performance.
  • Ceramic and metal bonding: plays a key supporting role in the process of ceramic and metal bonding.

Наши другие сайты:https://www.lite-kilnrefractory.com/


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